Dialog TV and PEO TV

I have a Dialog satellite TV connection at home since 2007. I prefer CNN, Al Jazeera and NDTV newscasts over anything else as I am a person who loves to see what is happening around the globe. What I enjoyed most was the Barrack Obama’s election run up to the presidency in 2008. It was that sensational. CNN covered it very well. AL Jazeera covered the assassination of Benazir Bhutto extensively in December 2007. That shocked the region. NDTV’s best coverage was the covering of Mumbai Attacks in 2008.

I also enjoyed Z-Studio a lot as it telecasted popular English movies with English subtitles. Since I worked from home those days I didn’t miss many movies they telecasted. Among them, my favorite was Bruce Almighty though I couldn’t watch it in full.

I did enjoy History Channel, Discovery and Animal Planet too. I didn’t enjoy MTV much as almost all the songs they telecasted were Indian songs. I wish they telecast some Western numbers too.

I enjoyed 2007 cricket World Cup in the West Indies, the Twenty20 World Cup in South Africa and the first IPL edition. Not to mention the football World Cup.

I missed DTV since 2009 as I spent some time in Mahawilachchiya. Though there was a DTV connection in Mahawilachchiya I watched it only when Prabhakaran was killed in May, 2009. After that I didn’t see much of DTV as I was in Anuradhapura most of the time.

From last month I started watching PEO TV as the owner of the house I reside at has subscribed to SLT’s PEO TV. What PEOTV offers is more or less similar to DTV. Notable exception is Maharaja’s Sirasa, MTV and Shakthi TV’s presence in PEO TV.

DTV broadcasts over satellite technology and it is available anywhere in Sri Lanka whereas PEO TV is broadcast over IPTV technology and available only where there is Sri Lanka Telecom ADSL connectivity. Both has its advantages and disadvantages due to depending on the said two technologies. DTV is ahead in coverage but the signals get weak when it rains. IPTV’s coverage depends on ADSL availability and the SLT says PEO TV works even during rain (weatherproof) but what I have seen is PEOTV’s signals get weak even without rain, let alone rain.